
Update RFP

Update status or RFP submitted to user's Property or Form, specified by its ID. Returns basic info about updated RFP.

API ACCESS: You must have professional SpeedRFP account to get an API Key. Please contact our sales team if you have any questions.


  PUT /rest/rfp/rfp-id/

Where rfp-id is the ID of the RFP you would like to update.


  PUT /rest/rfp/12345/?property_key=XXXXX&status=RFP_DECLINED&reason_declined=Don%27t+have+enough+rooms.
  PUT /rest/rfp/12345/?form_key=XXXXX&status=AWARDED_BY_HOTEL&event_start_date=YYYY-MM-DD&event_end_date=YYYY-MM-DD

Query string parameters

property_key required, unless form_key has been provided
Access token of the Property
form_key required, unless property_key has been provided
Access token of the Form

PUT data

status required
The RFP status to change to. List of supported statuses is provided below
The reason why this RFP is declined. Required if status is set to RFP_DECLINED
Final event start date. Required if status is set to AWARDED_BY_HOTEL
Final event end date. Required if status is set to AWARDED_BY_HOTEL

Available statuses

  RFP_DECLINED         A hotel can say that they declined the RFP but they MUST enter a reason.
  PROPOSAL_RECEIVED    A hotel can say that they sent a proposal via external response.
  PROPOSAL_DECLINED    A hotel can say that the proposal was declined via external response.
  AWARDED_BY_HOTEL     A hotel can say that they were awarded the business but they MUST provide final event start and end date.

Successful response format

    success: true
    response: {
        rfp_id:   ID of the RFP
        event:    name of the event
        status:   name of the status

Error responses

403   –   Property or Form with given access token has not been found

    success: false
    response: "permission denied"

404   –   RFP with given ID, submitted to selected Property or Form, has not been found

    success: false
    response: "rfp not found"

404   –   Invalid status provided

    success: false
    response: "status not found"

400   –   Reason declined not specified when declining RFP

    success: false
    response: "missing reason_declined parameter"

400   –   Final event start date not specified when awarding RFP

    success: false
    response: "missing event_start_date parameter"

400   –   Final event end date not specified when awarding RFP

    success: false
    response: "missing event_end_date parameter"

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